April 07, 2013

KST Meets the PodKISSt! The Crossover!

The Crossover that they said shouldn’t happen! KST meets the PodKISSt for a no holds barred Crossover just like in the comic books!
Tons of Kool KISS Talk!
Chock full of KISS Talk! All this, and plenty more, on PodKISSt… the KISS fanzine for your ears!
Check out the KISSTORY SCIENCE THEATRE show out here
http://kisstorysciencetheatre.blogspot.ca/ and Itunes.
Rate us on Itunes, “Like” us on Facebook, and join the “PodKISSt Army!”


  1. I gotta say, people - I haven't clicked with a KISS podcast like I have with KST, and crossovers I've heard of other podcasts never interested me. However, kudos to all of you - this one was a winner.

  2. Big KST fan...
    Is there a way to get access to the older podcasts??? Some have been deleted on YT and I didn't get the chance to listen to all of them, from the beginning of KST...
    Cheers from France!!!


    1. Some have been removed because they're going to be re-made.
      Send us a request for the episodes you would like at kisstory@hotmail.ca and we'll see what we can do.

  3. Oh, if you re-make them, then I'll wait!!! Just out of curiosity, which ones are going to be re-made???? Or this is a secret??
    Thanks for your reply!!!


    PS: Is there gonna be an official music video for your song "Six Foot Cardboard Skeleton"??? ;)
